Описание товара
CP-2007 is a second-generation Foxtrot basic module, with a central unit and an integrated extended combination of a total of 27 digital and analog inputs and outputs in a larger size occupying a width of 9 modules on a DIN rail. It is thus possible to have a variant with a built-in LTE modem for direct connection to the Internet via a mobile operator.
Of course, there are masters of both system expansion buses - TCL2 (up to 10 addressable modules) and two-wire CIB Common Installation Bus® (up to 32 addressable modules). It can therefore be extended in the same way as other basic modules.
It is equipped with a total of 27 I / Os:
- twelve multipurpose inputs, each of which can be used either as analog or as binary
- two terminals that can be configured as either analog inputs or analog outputs
- eleven relay outputs organized into three groups, each with its own common terminal
- two outputs configurable as digital or analog output
- one digital input monitoring the presence of 230 V AC
Communication capabilities of the basic module CP-2007:
- 2x Ethernet interface 100 Mbit / s, each with up to 32 simultaneous connections (programming and general IP communication)
- USB micro (programming)
- USB A for Flash memory, WiFi adapter (client and AP - Access point) etc.
- Variant with built-in LTE modem for direct wireless connection to the Internet via a mobile network operator
- Slots for up to 4 optional serial interfaces RS-485, RS-232
Power supply 24 V DC, alternatively 24 V passive PoE (Power over Ethernet.
CP-2007 is equipped with a new powerful central unit (CPU series L) with memory
- 1 MB for user program,
- 128 MB internal disk for storing files with parallel access from the LAN as a network disk,
- 16MB fast RAM disk
- 128/256 kB Datalobox
- microSD card slot up to 1 TB
- File management is provided by a journaling file system
- Local communication with the user via OLED display (4 lines / graphic) and 6-key keyboard
Важная информация
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