Казань, Адоратского, 34

L6565N DIP8The L6565N is a current-mode primary SMPS Controller specifically designed to build offline Quasi-resonant ZVS (zero voltage switching at switch turn-on) flyback converters. Quasi-resonant operation is achieved by means of a transformer demagnetization sensing input that triggers MOSFET’s turn-on Converter’s power capability variations with the mains voltage are compensated by line voltage feedforward. At light load the device features a special function that automatically lowers the operating frequency still maintaining the operation as close to ZVS as possible. In addition to very low start-up and quiescent currents, this feature helps keep low the consumption from the mains at light load and be Blue Angel and Energy Star compliant. The IC includes also a disable function, an on-chip filter on current sense, an error amplifier with a precise reference voltage for primary regulation and an effective two-level overcurrent protection., Frequency foldback for optimum standby efficiency, Quasi-resonant (QR) zero-voltage switching (ZVS) topology, Line feed forward to deliver constant power vs. mains change, Pulse-by-pulse and hiccup-mode OCP, Blue angel, energy star, energy 2000 compliant
\1101877 – артикул товара с розничной ценой 92 ₽ за штуку. Купите 1101877 по специальной цене оптом или в розницу в компании Олниса. Специальная цена распространяется на всю продукцию для наших постоянных клиентов.\
\\ Купить 1101877 в Олнисе оптом или в розницу можно по телефону, отправить заявку на почту или воспользоваться формой обратной связи на нашем сайте. Доставка осуществляем в любой регион России.\
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\L6565N DIP8The L6565N is a current-mode primary SMPS Controller specifically designed to build offline Quasi-resonant ZVS (zero voltage switching at switch turn-on) flyback converters. Quasi-resonant operation is achieved by means of a transformer demagnetization sensing input that triggers MOSFET’s turn-on Converter’s power capability variations with the mains voltage are compensated by line voltage feedforward. At light load the device features a special function that automatically lowers the operating frequency still maintaining the operation as close to ZVS as possible. In addition to very low start-up and quiescent currents, this feature helps keep low the consumption from the mains at light load and be Blue Angel and Energy Star compliant. The IC includes also a disable function, an on-chip filter on current sense, an error amplifier with a precise reference voltage for primary regulation and an effective two-level overcurrent protection., Frequency foldback for optimum standby efficiency, Quasi-resonant (QR) zero-voltage switching (ZVS) topology, Line feed forward to deliver constant power vs. mains change, Pulse-by-pulse and hiccup-mode OCP, Blue angel, energy star, energy 2000 compliant
\1101877 – артикул товара с розничной ценой 92 ₽ за штуку. Купите 1101877 по специальной цене оптом или в розницу в компании Олниса. Специальная цена распространяется на всю продукцию для наших постоянных клиентов.\
\\ Купить 1101877 в Олнисе оптом или в розницу можно по телефону, отправить заявку на почту или воспользоваться формой обратной связи на нашем сайте. Доставка осуществляем в любой регион России.\
\\ Подобрать аналоги и уточнить персональную цену на 1101877 вы сможете, позвонив в Олнису по номеру, указанному вверху страницы.\
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