Индуктивный датчик Inductive sensor NJ6-22-SN-G-10M Pepperl+Fuchs

Кат. номер: 250958
Наличие: Под заказ, срок отгрузки от 5-7 дней
Стоимость: По запросу
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Описание товара

General specifications
Switching functionNormally closed (NC)
Output typeNAMUR with safety function
Rated operating distance6 mm
Assured operating distance0 ... 4.86 mm
Reduction factor rAl 0.4
Reduction factor rCu 0.3
Reduction factor r304 0.85
Safety Integrity Level (SIL)up to SIL3 acc. to IEC 61508 Danger! In safety-related applications the sensor must be operated with a qualified fail safe interface from Pepperl+Fuchs, such as KFD2-SH-EX1.
Consider the exida Functional Safety Assessment document which is available on www.pepperl-fuchs.com as an integral part of this product`s documentation.
Output type2-wire
Nominal ratings
Nominal voltage8.2 V
Switching frequency0 ... 2000 Hz
Suitable for 2:1 technologyyes , with reverse polarity protection diode
Current consumption
Measuring plate not detected&ge 3 mA
Measuring plate detected&le 1 mA
Functional safety related parameters
MTTFd11850 a
Mission Time (TM)20 a
Diagnostic Coverage (DC)0 %
Compliance with standards and directives
Standard conformity
NAMUREN 60947-5-6:2000
IEC 60947-5-6:1999
Approvals and certificates
UL approvalcULus Listed, General Purpose
CCC approvalCCC approval / marking not required for products rated &le36 V
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature-40 ... 100 °C (-40 ... 212 °F)
Mechanical specifications
Connection typecable silicone , 10 m
Core cross-section0.75 mm2
Housing materialstainless steel (303/1.4305)
Sensing faceValox (PBT) , green
Housing diameter28.3 mm (PG21)
Degree of protectionIP68
Bending radius> 10 x cable diameter
Equipment protection level Gc (nA)
CertificatePF 15CERT3754 X
Special conditions
Protection against transientsEnsure transient protection is provided and that the maximum value of the transient protection (140% of 85 V) is not exceeded.
Equipment protection level Dc (tc)
InstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas
Device category 3Dfor use in hazardous areas with combustible dust
CertificatePF 15CERT3774 X
CE marking[*PD-Z02586A*]
ATEX markingEx-Hexagon II 3D Ex tc IIIC T80°C Dc
The Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.
StandardsEN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-31:2014
Protection by enclosure tc Some of the information in this instruction manual is more specific than the information provided in the datasheet.
GeneralThe corresponding datasheets, declarations of conformity, EC-type examination certificates, certifications, and control drawings, where applicable (see datasheets), form an integral part of this document. These documents can be found at www.pepperl-fuchs.com. The maximum surface temperature of the device was determined without a layer of dust on the apparatus. Some of the information in this instruction manual is more specific than the information provided in the datasheet.
Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indelible, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.
MaintenanceNo changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.
Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.
Special conditions
Minimum series resistance RVA minimum series resistance RV is to be provided between the power supply voltage and the proximity switch in accordance with the following list. This can also be assured by using a switch amplifier.
Maximum operating voltage UBmaxThe maximum permissible operating voltage UBmax must be restricted to the values given in the following list. Tolerances are not permitted.
Maximum permissible ambient temperature TUmaxValues can be obtained from the following list, depending on the max. operating voltage Ub max and the minimum series resistance Rv.
at UBmax=9 V, RV=562 &Omega61 °C (141.8 °F)
using an amplifier in accordance with EN&nbsp60947-5-661 °C (141.8 °F)
Protection from mechanical dangerThe sensor must not be exposed to ANY FORM of mechanical danger.
Protection from UV lightThe sensor and the connection cable must be protected from damaging UV-radiation. This can be achieved when the sensor is used in internal areas.
Protection of the connection cableThe connection cable must be prevented from being subjected to tension and torsional loading.
Electrostatic chargeElectrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding. Do not attach the nameplate provided in areas where electrostatic charge can build up.
General information
Use in the hazardous areasee instruction manuals
Category1G 2G 3G 1D 3D


Производитель Pepperl+Fuchs


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Технический отдел
Казань, Адоратского, 34