Описание товара
The IEC 61 131 standard for programmable control systems has five basic parts and is a summary of the requirements for modern control systems. It is independent of a specific organization or company and has extensive international support. The individual parts of the standard are devoted to both the technical and software equipment of these systems.
Programming languages are defined by the IEC 61 131-3 standard, which is the third part of the IEC 61 131 family of standards and represents the first serious attempt to standardize programming languages for industrial automation.
Standard 61 131-3 can be viewed from various perspectives, for example, as a result of the hard work of seven international companies that have invested their ten years of experience in the field of industrial automation in the development of the standard, or as a total of about 200 pages of text, and about 60 tables. A team belonging to the SC65B WG7 working group of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) worked on its creation. The result is a specification of the syntax and semantics of a unified set of programming languages, including a general software model and a structuring language. This standard has been adopted as a guideline by most major PLC manufacturers.
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