LMH6502MAThe LMH6502MA is a wideband low power linear-in-dB Variable Gain Amplifier for use with voltage controller filter. The DC coupled differential input voltage controlled gain stage followed by a high-speed current feedback op-amp which can directly drive a low impedance load. Gain adjustment range is more than 70dB for up to 10MHz. Maximum gain is set by external components and the gain can be reduced all the way to cut-off. Power consumption is 300mW with a speed of 130MHz. Output referred DC offset voltage is less than 350mV over the entire gain control voltage range. Device-to-device gain matching is within ±0.6dB at maximum gain. Furthermore, gain at any VG is tested and the tolerance is ensured. The output current feedback op-amp allows high frequency large signals and can also drive heavy load current (75mA). Differential inputs allow common mode rejection in low level amplification or in applications where signals are carried over relatively long wires., 70dB Adjustment range (typical over temperature), ±0.6dB Gain matching (limit), 1800V/µs Slew rate, 27mA Supply Current (no load), ±75mA Linear output current, ±3.2V Output voltage (RL=100R), 7.7nV/?Hz Input voltage noise, 2.4pA/?Hz Input current noise, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / Усилители и компараторы / Специальные усилители Корпус: 14-SOICN, инфо: Wideband, Low Power, Linear-in-dB Variable Gain Amplifier
\1109082 – артикул товара с розничной ценой 72 ₽ за штуку. Купите 1109082 по специальной цене оптом или в розницу в компании Олниса. Специальная цена распространяется на всю продукцию для наших постоянных клиентов.\
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LMH6502MAThe LMH6502MA is a wideband low power linear-in-dB Variable Gain Amplifier for use with voltage controller filter. The DC coupled differential input voltage controlled gain stage followed by a high-speed current feedback op-amp which can directly drive a low impedance load. Gain adjustment range is more than 70dB for up to 10MHz. Maximum gain is set by external components and the gain can be reduced all the way to cut-off. Power consumption is 300mW with a speed of 130MHz. Output referred DC offset voltage is less than 350mV over the entire gain control voltage range. Device-to-device gain matching is within ±0.6dB at maximum gain. Furthermore, gain at any VG is tested and the tolerance is ensured. The output current feedback op-amp allows high frequency large signals and can also drive heavy load current (75mA). Differential inputs allow common mode rejection in low level amplification or in applications where signals are carried over relatively long wires., 70dB Adjustment range (typical over temperature), ±0.6dB Gain matching (limit), 1800V/µs Slew rate, 27mA Supply Current (no load), ±75mA Linear output current, ±3.2V Output voltage (RL=100R), 7.7nV/?Hz Input voltage noise, 2.4pA/?Hz Input current noise, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / Усилители и компараторы / Специальные усилители Корпус: 14-SOICN, инфо: Wideband, Low Power, Linear-in-dB Variable Gain Amplifier
\1109082 – артикул товара с розничной ценой 72 ₽ за штуку. Купите 1109082 по специальной цене оптом или в розницу в компании Олниса. Специальная цена распространяется на всю продукцию для наших постоянных клиентов.\
\\ Купить 1109082 в Олнисе оптом или в розницу можно по телефону, отправить заявку на почту или воспользоваться формой обратной связи на нашем сайте. Доставка осуществляем в любой регион России.\
\\ Подобрать аналоги и уточнить персональную цену на 1109082 вы сможете, позвонив в Олни