SN65HVD11DThe SN65HVD11D is a 3.3V Differential Transceiver combines a 3-state differential line driver and differential input line receiver that operate with a single power supply. The device is designed for balanced transmission lines and meet or exceed ANSI standard TIA/EIA-485-A and ISO 8482: 1993. This differential bus transceivers are monolithic integrated circuits designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. The drivers and receivers have active-high and active-low enables, respectively, that can be externally connected together to function as direction control. Very low device standby supply current can be achieved by disabling the driver and the receiver., Bus-pin ESD protection exceeds 16kV HBM, 1/8 Unit-load, Optional driver output transition times for signalling rates, Bus-pin short-circuit protection, 1µA Typical low-current standby mode, Open-circuit, idle-bus and shorted-bus fail safe receiver, Thermal shutdown protection, Glitch-free power-up and power-down protection for hot-plugging, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / Интерфейсы / Драйверы, ресиверы, трансиверы Корпус: 8-SOIC, инфо: 3.3-V RS-485 Transceiver
\1104098 – артикул товара с розничной ценой 357 ₽ за штуку. Купите 1104098 по специальной цене оптом или в розницу в компании Олниса. Специальная цена распространяется на всю продукцию для наших постоянных клиентов.\
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\SN65HVD11DThe SN65HVD11D is a 3.3V Differential Transceiver combines a 3-state differential line driver and differential input line receiver that operate with a single power supply. The device is designed for balanced transmission lines and meet or exceed ANSI standard TIA/EIA-485-A and ISO 8482: 1993. This differential bus transceivers are monolithic integrated circuits designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. The drivers and receivers have active-high and active-low enables, respectively, that can be externally connected together to function as direction control. Very low device standby supply current can be achieved by disabling the driver and the receiver., Bus-pin ESD protection exceeds 16kV HBM, 1/8 Unit-load, Optional driver output transition times for signalling rates, Bus-pin short-circuit protection, 1µA Typical low-current standby mode, Open-circuit, idle-bus and shorted-bus fail safe receiver, Thermal shutdown protection, Glitch-free power-up and power-down protection for hot-plugging, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / Интерфейсы / Драйверы, ресиверы, трансиверы Корпус: 8-SOIC, инфо: 3.3-V RS-485 Transceiver
\1104098 – артикул товара с розничной ценой 357 ₽ за штуку. Купите 1104098 по специальной цене оптом или в розницу в компании Олниса. Специальная цена распространяется на всю продукцию для наших постоянных клиентов.\
\\ Купить 1104098 в Олнисе оптом или в розницу можно по телефону, отправить заявку на почту или воспользоваться формой обратной связи на нашем сайте. Доставка осуществляем в любой регион России.\
\\ Подобрать аналоги и уточнить персональную цену на 1104098 вы сможете, позвонив в Олнису по номеру, указанному вверху страницы.\