Описание товара
The C-IT-0504S module (order no .: TXN 133 26) is intended for the connection of analog or binary signals and 0 - 10 V analog outputs directly to the CIB wiring bus. Inputs, outputs and buses are connected to the module via pen terminals. Universal inputs can be set to binary or analog program in two groups. The first group contains 4 inputs, the second 1 input. The settings are then common to the whole group.
For example, one temperature sensor and four input-contacts or one input-contact and four temperature sensors. Resistance sensors PT1000 or Ni1000 or a sensor with a thermistor NTC12k or KTY81-121 against a common GND conductor are used for temperature measurement. The resistance is converted in the module to a numerical temperature value and transmitted to the central unit via the CIB bus. For another type of resistance sensor, a resistance measurement range of 0 to 160 kΩ can be selected, but the conversion to temperature and linearization must be performed only at the level of the user program. The module software - firmware - is optimized to increase the accuracy and linearize the measuring range of the sensor in the module.
Binary signals are connected to the inputs only as free, without voltage contact against the common conductor GND. The binary input can also operate in balanced input mode. The voltage of the analog outputs 0 - 10 V is output on the conductor against the common GND conductor.
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